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  • ECO4 Scheme, Free Gas Boiler Upgrade & Insulation Grants | ECO Simplified

    Home: Welcome Warmer Home with the ECO4 Schem e Free Gas Boiler upgrade, First Time Central Heating, Air Source Heat Pump, Solar PV & Insulation available. Click Apply Now to find out if your qualify! Apply Now Home: Services You are eligible for the ECO4 scheme if you or someone in your home claim qualifying ECO4 Benefit? ​ You can qualify if you rent or own your property (some restrictions apply).​ ​ If you do not claim a qualifying benefit, then you may still qualify if your household income is less than £31,000 or if you or someone in your home suffers from an eligible medical condition. (LA Flex). ​ Just complete our quick and easy application form and we will check if you are eligible. Apply Now The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government energy efficiency scheme that covers England, Scotland & Wales to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. ​ The scheme began in April 2013, and over time it has been amended. The ECO3 scheme closed on 31 March 2022. The latest policy, ECO4, applies to measures completed from 1 April 2022 and will cover a four year period until 31 March 2026. ECO4 Qualifying Benefits: ​ Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Income Support (IS) Pension Credit Guaranteed Credit (PCGC) Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC) Working Tax Credit (WTC) Child Tax Credit (CTC) Universal Credit (UC) Housing Benefit Child Benefit (Subject to income - please see below) ​ Single Claimant: Qualifying Maximum Household Income: 1 Child (up to age 18) - £19,900 2 Children (up to age 18) - £24,800 3 Children (up to age 18) - £29,600 4 Children (up to age 18) - £34,500 Member of Couple: Qualifying Maximum Household Income: ​ 1 Child (up to age 18) - £27,500 2 Children (up to age 18) - £32,300 3 Children (up to age 18) - £37,200 4 Children (up to age 18) - £42,000 Heating upgrades available FREE with the ECO4 scheme To learn more about the potential upgrade please click the link below or if you want to go ahead and apply please click 'Apply Now'. ​ Please note: Gas boiler upgrades are only available to customers who own their property. Gas boiler first time central heating can only be installed in properties that have never had a wet central heating system. To have either a gas boiler upgrade or first time central heating your property must have had a gas meter fitted prior to the 1st April 2022 and it must also be present immediately prior to install. Solar PV can only be installed along with an Air source heat pump, Electric storage heaters or in properties where these have already been installed. If you own your home and have old Electric storage heaters you may qualify for new High heat retention Electric storage heaters. If your home has a cavity wall or any roof insulation that is not insulated this will also need to be installed FREE as part of the project. ​ We will assess your property and if there is any additional insulation needed, it will be discussed with you and will be FREE if you qualify through the ECO4 scheme. Gas Boiler Upgrade Apply Now Gas First Time Central Heating Apply Now Air Source Heat Pump Apply Now Electric Storage Heater Upgrade Apply Now Smart Heating Controls Apply Now Solar PV Apply Now Insulation available FREE with both the ECO4 and Great British Insulation schemes Cavity Wall Insulation Apply Now Internal Wall Insulation Apply Now External Wall Insulation Apply Now Room in Roof Insulation Apply Now Flat Roof Insulation Apply Now Loft Insulation Apply Now To learn more about the ECO4 scheme or Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS), please click the links below or if you want to go ahead and apply please click 'Apply Now'. ​ ECO4 Scheme GBIS 申請資助後會發生什麼? ECO3 資金的申請過程很簡單。通過單擊“立即申請”並填寫我們的表格,我們可以檢查您的資格並組織調查和安裝。 我們會打電話給您並確認您提供給我們的詳細信息,並且您仍想繼續。 ​ 我們將與您討論可以在您的物業中安裝什麼,並在您方便的時間預訂調查。 將在您的物業完成免費的無義務調查。 ​ 然後,安裝公司將與您確認可以安裝什麼以及您是否需要支付費用以支付所需的任何額外工程。 ​ 您可以在安裝前的任何時間免費取消。 申請資助 將同意完成工作的日期,並且將有一些文書工作需要簽署。 ​ 所有工作均由合格人員完成,並由保險支持 Home: Contact 聯繫我們 如果您有興趣使用,請填寫表格 我們的安裝服務。 專員大樓, 4 St Thomas' Street, Sunderland, SR1 1NW 0191 3592042 姓名 電話 電子郵件 您對哪項服務感興趣? 提交處理支持 員工提交培訓 領先一代 PAS2019 認證支持 發送資格表之前有關 ECO3 的其他信息 關於您的要求的其他信息 感謝您提交詳細信息。其中一名團隊會打電話給您討論您的要求。 提交

  • Room in Roof Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Room in Roof Insulation Up to 25% of heat loss in a home can be attributed to an un-insulated roof space. ​ ​ A room-in-roof or attic room is simply defined by the presence of a fixed staircase to access the room and there should be a window Many older properties that were originally built with loft room space or 'room-in-roof' were either not insulated at all or insulated using inadequate materials and techniques when compared to today's building regulations. . ​ By using the latest insulation materials and methods, insulating existing attic rooms means that you can still use the roof space for storage or additional room space if needed while still trapping heat in the property and rooms below. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £500-£690 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding Apply Now

  • How do I qualify for ECO4 Funding | ECO Simplified Limit

    我如何獲得 ECO3 資助的資格? 有兩種方法可以獲得 ECO3 資助。 ​ 好處 洛杉磯 Flex ​ 如果您獲得符合條件的福利,我們將使用它來獲取供暖和/或保溫材料的資金。 對於那些沒有獲得合格福利的人,我們可以檢查您的地方當局靈活資格標準 (LA Flex),看看您是否可以通過此途徑獲得資金。 如果您通過 LA Flex 獲得資格,我們將致電您告知下一步是什麼。 好處 如果您或住在您家中的人獲得以下其中一項,您就有資格獲得 ECO3 資金: DWP 管理的福利; 稅收抵免 與收入相關的就業支持津貼 基於收入的求職者津貼 收入支持 養老金信貸 普遍信用 殘疾生活津貼 個人獨立付款 勤工津貼 照顧者津貼 嚴重傷殘津貼 工傷傷殘津貼 ​ 司法部福利; ​ 戰爭撫卹金流動補助金,經常出勤津貼 武裝部隊獨立付款 ​ 其他: ​ 兒童福利;有合格的最高門檻: ​ 單一索賠人(18 歲以下的兒童) ​ 1 個孩子 - 18,500 英鎊 2 名兒童 - 23,000 英鎊 3 名兒童 - 27,500 英鎊 4 歲以上兒童 £32,000 ​ 夫妻生活(18 歲以下的兒童) ​ 1 個孩子 - 25,500 英鎊 2 名兒童 - 30,000 英鎊 3 名兒童 - 34,500 英鎊 4 歲以上兒童 £39,000 LA FLEX 您可以通過兩種方式獲得 LA Flex 的資格。 您的家庭收入低於設定的金額(這因地方當局而異) 並且您的財產在最新的 EPC 中被評為 E、F 或 G。 如果您沒有 EPC, 則有 您需要回答的問題,以確定您是否符合資格。 另一種情況是,如果您或您家中的某個人有長期健康狀況或因年齡或環境而被歸類為容易感冒。 ​​ 健康狀況: ​ 心血管狀況 呼吸系統疾病 神經系統疾病 心理健康狀況 對您進行正常日常活動的能力有重大或長期影響的身體殘疾 絕症 抑制免疫系統 ​ 由於年齡或環境容易感冒 ​ 最低年齡可能會有所不同,但通常在 65 歲以上 懷孕 有5歲以下的受撫養子女 ​ 重要提示:每個地方當局可能對資格有不同的規定;尤其是在被認為是“低收入”的情況下。一旦我們收到您的資格表,我們將檢查資格標準並在我們的後續電話中討論這一點。 ​ ​ 申請資助 Apply Now

  • Landlord Insulation & Heating Grants | ECO Simplified Limit

    ECO3 房東補助 如果物業的租戶獲得符合條件的福利,則他們有資格獲得 ECO3 資金。 ​ 房東希望租戶使用此計劃的原因有很多。升級暖氣並為房產安裝新的隔熱材料不僅會增加其價值,而且您的租戶還可以節省能源費用,並在周圍環境中更加舒適。當房產空置時,它還有助於吸引新租戶。 ​ 英格蘭和威爾士私人租賃部門的所有房產都需要有至少為“E”級的 EPC,除非它們被豁免。如果您的物業低於“E”等級,您只能使用租戶最初可以安裝的設備。可用於“F”或“G”級屬性的措施是實心牆絕緣(內部或外部絕緣)和首次集中供暖。其中任何一個都應該使您的財產高於“E”等級,這意味著您可以安裝額外的絕緣材料或暖氣。 ​ 該計劃確實給出了涵蓋房產的固定金額,相反,每項措施都根據房產類型、臥室數量和安裝前供暖類型得出的分數來吸引資金。例如,如果您的房產不使用主燃氣供暖,則還有額外的費用。這可能意味著您可以安裝多種措施,而您可能無需支付任何費用,但您和您的租戶可以獲得全部收益。 ​ 這些好處包括: ​ 提高財產價值和條件 降低現有和新租戶的能源費用 讓您的物業成為更舒適的居住場所 有助於留住和吸引新租戶 使出售房產更容易 有助於保護環境 ​ 檢查資格或完成調查過程無需任何費用,如果需要任何貢獻,您可以在安裝前隨時拒絕。 ​ 此外,未經房東書面許可,安裝人員不會在您的房產上安裝任何東西。 我們要求房東提供詳細信息,以便如果租戶向我們發送資格檢查,我們可以確保房東知道他們的財產可能有權安裝哪些措施。 ​ 下面是該計劃的描述以及您可能在您的財產中安裝的內容,或者如果您的房東已將您發送到這裡,請單擊“申請資金”按鈕。 ​ ​ ​ 申請資助 租戶可以在 ECO3 計劃下安裝什麼? 如果您是租戶,我們已經列出了您可以在 ECO3 計劃下安裝的供暖更換、供暖升級和絕緣材料。 ​ 您可以在加熱和其他隔熱措施的同時安裝隔熱材料,因此當我們與您聯繫時,我們將為您提供我們認為您可以安裝的全貌。當您完成調查後,這將與您確認。 首次集中供暖 居住在從未安裝過中央供暖系統並且以以下其中一種作為主要供暖源的物業中的所有客戶都有資格獲得資金以安裝首次中央供暖。 ​ 室內電暖器,包括直動式室內暖氣、暖風機和低效電儲熱式暖氣 燃氣房加熱器 帶回鍋爐的燃氣火災 帶後鍋爐的固體化石燃料火 直接電地板或天花板加熱(不連接到電鍋爐) 瓶裝液化石油氣房間供暖 固體化石燃料房間加熱器 木材/生物質房間供暖 油室加熱器 完全沒有暖氣 ​ 如果您想要燃氣集中供暖,您必須居住在有新燃氣接口或從未用於供暖的燃氣接口的房產中。 ECO 資金不包括天然氣連接的費用,但其他補助金可能包括地方當局補助金。 ​ 以下可以作為 FTCH 安裝: ​ 燃氣鍋爐 ​生物質鍋爐 ​ 瓶裝液化石油氣鍋爐 液化石油氣鍋爐 空氣源熱泵 地源熱泵 電鍋爐 ​ 在首次集中供暖完成之前,所有物業必須已經存在或已安裝屋頂隔熱層和空心牆隔熱層(如果能夠安裝)的閣樓或房間。這是安裝人員當時會與您討論的事情,並且可以在 ECO 下獲得資助。 電蓄熱器升級 如果您目前正在使用室內電暖器為您的家供暖,那麼升級到高保溫蓄熱式電暖器將提高您的房屋的溫暖度和效率。 儲電加熱器使用非高峰電力(通常在夜間)工作,並在白天儲存熱量以釋放。 為此,儲熱式加熱器有一個高度絕緣的芯,由非常高密度的材料製成。它們旨在盡可能長時間地保留儲存的熱量。存儲加熱器使用非高峰能源,因為它比標準電費便宜。它們通常與您家的其他部分完全獨立,並且只會在非高峰期開始時打開。 安裝人員聯繫您後 熱量計算完成 確定您的財產所需的電儲熱器的正確數量和尺寸。 您必須使用經濟艙 7 關稅或安裝經濟艙 7 儀表 安裝電儲熱器。 ​ 財產必須在您最新的 EPC 上被評為 AE 才有資格獲得此措施。 腔牆保溫 英國家庭大約 35% 的熱量損失是通過未隔熱的外牆發生的。 如果您的房屋建於 1920 年之後,則您的房屋很可能存在空心牆。 通過將珠子注入壁中,可以用絕緣材料填充空腔壁。這限制了它們之間傳遞的任何熱量,從而減少了您花在取暖上的錢。 ​ 您可以通過查看磚塊圖案來檢查您的牆壁類型。 如果磚的圖案均勻並縱向鋪設,則牆壁很可能有空腔。 如果一些磚的端面是方形的,牆很可能是實心的。如果牆壁是石頭,它很可能是堅固的。 ​ 如果您的房屋是在過去 25 年內建造的,則很可能已經進行了隔熱或部分隔熱。安裝人員可以通過管道鏡檢查來檢查這一點。 ​ 財產必須在您最新的 EPC 上被評為 AE 才有資格獲得此措施 外牆保溫 外牆保溫材料非常適合您想要改善房屋外觀並提高其耐熱等級的實牆房屋。 在家中安裝外牆保溫材料不需要內部工作,因此可以將中斷保持在最低限度。 可能需要規劃許可,因此請在將其安裝到您的財產之前與您當地的當局核實。 某些時期的屬性不能將其安裝在屬性的前面,但可以將其安裝到後面。 外牆保溫不僅可以改善您家的外觀,還可以提高耐候性和隔音性,同時 減少氣流和熱損失。 它還可以延長牆壁的使用壽命,因為它可以保護您的磚砌,但這些在安裝前確實需要結構合理。 內牆保溫 內牆保溫材料非常適合您無法改變房屋外部的實牆房屋。 ​ 如果您的房屋建於 1920 年之前,則您的房屋很有可能是實心牆。 ​ 您可以通過查看磚塊圖案來檢查您的牆壁類型。 ​ 如果一些磚的端面是方形的,牆很可能是實心的。如果牆壁是石頭,它很可能是堅固的。 ​ 內牆保溫是逐個房間安裝的,並應用於所有外牆。 聚異氰脲酸酯絕緣 (PIR) 石膏板通常用於製作內襯乾燥的絕緣內牆。然後對內牆進行抹灰,留下光滑乾淨的表面以進行重新裝修。 ​ 這不僅會讓你的房子在冬天更暖和,而且還可以通過減緩非隔熱牆壁的熱量損失來節省你的錢。 ​ 它會稍微減少應用它的任何房間的地板面積(每面牆大約 10 厘米) 閣樓保溫 來自您房屋的熱量上升導致大約四分之一的熱量通過未隔熱房屋的屋頂散失。為您家的屋頂空間隔熱是節省能源和減少取暖費用的最簡單、最具成本效益的方法。 由於托樑本身會形成“熱橋”並將熱量傳遞給上方的空氣,因此應在閣樓區域應用至少 270 毫米深度的隔熱材料,無論是在托樑之間還是上方。使用現代絕緣技術和材料,仍然可以將空間用作存儲空間或使用絕緣地板作為宜居空間。 ​ 財產必須在您最新的 EPC 上被評為 AE 才有資格獲得此措施 房頂房 家庭中高達 25% 的熱量損失可歸因於未隔熱的屋頂空間。 ECO 補助金可以支付所有閣樓房間使用最新絕緣材料按照現行建築法規進行絕緣的全部費用。 ​ 與當今的建築法規相比,許多最初建造時帶有閣樓房間空間或“屋頂房間”的舊房產要么根本沒有隔熱,要么使用不適當的材料和技術進行隔熱。屋頂房間或閣樓房間的定義簡單地定義為存在通往房間的固定樓梯,並且應該有一個窗戶。 ​ 通過使用最新的隔熱材料和方法,對現有閣樓房間進行隔熱意味著您仍然可以將屋頂空間用於存儲或在需要時增加房間空間,同時仍然可以將熱量困在財產和下面的房間中。 ​ 財產必須在您最新的 EPC 上被評為 AE 才有資格獲得此措施 地板保溫 在考慮您家中需要隔熱的區域時,地板下通常不是列表中的第一個。 然而,在樓下地板下有爬行空間的房屋可以從地板下絕緣中受益。 地板下的隔熱材料可消除可能通過地板和地面之間的縫隙進入的氣流,讓您感覺更溫暖,據節能信託基金稱,每年最多可節省 40 英鎊。 ​ 財產必須在您最新的 EPC 上被評為 AE 才有資格獲得此措施 申請資助

  • Flat Roof Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Flat Roof Insulation A fl at roof is any roof space in your home with a pitch of less than 10 degrees. They are very easy to spot and as they don't usually have a loft space, they wont have a loft hatch. ​ F lat roofs being added to properties were popular in properties built between the 1950's - 1970's and if your flat roof is from this period, it is extremely unlikely to be insulated and if it is, it wont be up to todays standards. If your flat roof is uninsulated, it will mean that in winter, warm air will easily escape from any heated rooms through the flat roof, leaving the room cold and uninviting. ​ If you have recently had the membrane replaced if for example you had a leak, then it is unlikely that insulation was added, unless you specifically asked for it. ​ There are 2 ways to insulate your flat roof: ​ Warm Roof: ​ This involves adding rigid insulation board on to the roof from the outside and then coving with a waterproof membrane. This is the best way to insulate a flat roof as there are no condensation issues to contend with. Cold Roof: ​ This is the most common way that most households have their flat roofs insulated. It involves placing the insulation material between the joists spaces the support the roof. This can only be added if there is a gap of at least 50mm between the roof and the insulation to allow for air flow. ​ If you have very shallow joists then this is not recommended. As most heat is lost through uninsulated roof spaces, if you do have your flat roof insulated you can expect similar savings to insulating your loft depending on how much of your property the flat roof covers. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply for Funding Apply Now

  • Apply for ECO4 Funding | ECO Simplified Limit

    如果您或您家中的某個人申請以下福利之一,您就有資格獲得 ECO3 補助金。 ​ ​ ​ 使用 ECO Simplified 申請 ECO3 補助金 您在下面提供給我們的信息將使我們能夠檢查您是否有資格獲得免費的 ECO3 資金,並評估您的房屋是否適合所要求的家庭隔熱和/或供暖措施。 ​收到您的表格後,我們會在您提出要求時給您打電話,我們將: ​​ 確認提供的詳細信息正確無誤。 討論您參加 ECO3 計劃的資格、您可能已經安裝的措施(根據調查)以及是否需要任何捐款 我們將給您發短信(如果您已同意),讓您知道將與您聯繫的安裝公司及其聯繫方式。 他們將安排調查的時間和日期,如果您和他們都滿意,則安排安裝日期。 您可以在安裝開始前隨時取消,無需支付任何費用。 最後,我們會像對待我們自己的數據一樣對待您的數據。我們是 ICO 註冊的,並且僅將您的數據用於為您的家庭效率改善提供資金。 ECO3方案下可以安裝什麼? 以下所有措施(燃氣鍋爐更換除外 - 僅限房主)適用於房主和租戶。 也可以通過 LA Flex 獲得資格。 ​ 有關 LA Flex 的更多詳細信息,請單擊下方 Anchor 1 姓名 地址 郵政編碼 電子郵件 電話 出生日期 請確認您獲得哪些符合條件的福利 請確認您是否擁有該物業 財產種類 您物業的臥室數量 請確認當前主要加熱類型 請確認您物業目前的主要供暖燃料 If known, please confirm whether the property's Council Tax band falls within the qualifying banding for GBIS 請說明您對哪種加熱和/或絕緣類型感興趣。 First Time Central Heating - Air Source Heat Pump 第一次集中供暖 Air Source Heat Pump Solar PV (Property must already be heated by electric heating or will be after project finished) 替換燃氣鍋爐(必須擁有您的家) 電蓄熱升級 空心牆保溫 閣樓保溫 屋頂房間 內牆保溫 平屋頂保溫 我們的目標是在同一天給所有發送表格的人打電話,但我們明白這可能並不總是很方便。請在下面選擇我們團隊中的一個人打電話討論您的申請的最佳時間。 任何時間(盡快) 週一至週五 12 點前 週一至週五中午 12 點至下午 4 點 週一至週五下午 4 點至晚上 7 點 週六上午 9 點至下午 12 點 週六中午 12 點至下午 5 點 We can send you text messages keep you updated with the progress of your installation. Please indicate below if you are happy for us to do this * Yes I consent to you sending me a text message to keep me updated on the progress of my installation No I do not give you consent to text me for any reason Please click below to confirm that you have read our privacy policy and terms of use and are happy to go ahead under these terms. * I have read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use 感謝您提交詳細信息。我們的團隊之一將與我們聯繫,討論後續步驟。 提交

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  • Inefficient Gas Boiler Upgrade | ECO Simplified Limit

    Non-Condensing Gas Boiler Upgrade We can offer a gas boiler upgrade if your current boiler is non-condensing and you own the property you currently live in , through the ECO4 scheme. ​ The new boiler will be a more efficient condensing Gas boiler . ​ Non-Condensing Boiler vs Condensing Gas Boilers ​ All new gas boiler installations must be condensing by law, which came into effect in 2005, however there are a small list of exceptions that can still allow a non-condensing boiler to be installed. ​ Only condensing boilers can be installed under the ECO4 scheme. There is no exceptions made under the scheme. ​ All well designed and maintained boilers burn their fuel efficiently, but non-condensing boilers inevitably lose heat in the form of hot gases that escape up the flue. This limits their overall efficiency. Non-condensing boilers may only have an efficiency rating of 70 to 80 per cent , while in old models this figure could be even lower at 50 to 60 per cent . In contrast, condensing boilers have been designed to minimise this heat loss and have an average efficiency of 95% with some models able to achieve 99% efficiency . Condensing boilers feature larger heat exchangers that cool the flue gases before they escape, condensing the water vapour out of them. The temperature of the flue gases during this heat exchange process drops rapidly from approximately 130℃ to 50℃. The condensation formed as a result is what gives the boilers their name, and there can be as much as two litres of it produced every hour. This condensate liquid is drained into a waste water outlet via a condensate pipe. Thanks to this additional heat exchange process, condensing boilers are able to extract virtually all of the heat latent in the flue gases. This additional heat energy is then transferred back into the heating system. The extra efficiency of condensing boilers means they can offer major cost savings and they are also more environmentally friendly, helping you to lower the carbon emissions of your household. ​ Advantages of condensing gas boilers ​ More energy-efficient as they use more of the fuel for usable heat Lower energy bills Use less fuel than non-condensing boilers to produce same amount of heat and hot water Reduced CO2 emissions and carbon footprint ​ How can I tell which type of boiler I have? There are 2 easy ways to check if your boiler is either condensing or non-condensing and you do not have a manual to hand. ​ If the boiler has a white plastic pipe coming out of the bottom of the boiler and then going outside into a drain, it is condensing . You will usually see the condensate pipe on the exterior wall to the boiler. If the flue is white plastic it is condensing . If it the flue is metal, then it is non-condensing . ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply for Funding Apply Now

  • Solar PV | ECO Simplified Limit

    Solar PV Solar electricity panels, also known as photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun's energy and convert it into electricity that you can use in your home. A solar PV panel consists of many cells made from layers of semi-conducting material, most commonly silicon. When light shines on this material, a flow of electricity is created.​ The cells don’t need direct sunlight to work and can even work on cloudy days. However, the stronger the sunshine, the more electricity generated. ​ Solar PV systems are made up of several panels, with each panel generating around 410W of energy in strong sunlight. Typical systems contain around 10 panels and generate direct current electricity. Because the electricity used for household appliances is alternating current, an inverter is installed along with the system to convert direct current electricity into alternating current. This electricity can be used throughout your home or exported to the grid. ​ The benefits of solar electricity are that they cut your electricity bills. Sunlight is free, so once installation is complete, your electricity costs will be reduced. They will also cut your carbon footprint. Solar electricity is low carbon, renewable energy. A typical home solar PV system could save around one tonne of carbon per year, depending on where you live in the UK. ​ Space is a key consideration as is roof angle and the direction it faces. Ideally you want a south facing roof with a pitch at an angle of 30 or 40 degrees. East or west facing roofs can still be considered but North facing roofs are not recommended. ​ Also worth noting that are nearby buildings, chimneys or trees that shade your roof will have a negative impact on the performance of your system. ​ Planning permission is not usually required as Solar is classed as a permitted development but you should always check with your local authority before installing in case there are any local limits or restrictions. ​ With any domestic PV system, there will be times when the electricity you generate is more than you can use or store, so the surplus will be exported to the grid to be used by somebody else. ​ The old Feed-in Tariff closed for applications in March 2019 and has since been replaced by the Smart Export Guarantee. While not as generous as the Feed-in Tariff it is still a worthwhile scheme and does provide some financial support for electricity that you generate and export back to the grid. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ The average cost of a domestic 4.2 kWp solar PV system is around £5000. If you include the Smart Export Guarantee you can save from £255 - £505 per year according to the Energy Saving Trust (saving depend on which part of the country you live in and how much time you are in the house when the Solar PV is generating electricity). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). We also can offer a privately funded Solar PV package and finance. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply Now Apply Now

  • Leave a Review | ECO Simplified Limit

    Share your experience with us! How likely are you to recommend us to family/friend? 1 2 3 4 5+ Did you find everything you needed on our website? Yes No Please rate your overall satisfaction with our product Very dissatisfied A bit dissatisfied Pretty satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Please rate your overall satisfaction with our product Where do we need to improve? Choose an option What can we do to improve? Your email address Submit Thanks for sharing! We always strive to improve.

  • External Wall Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    External Wall Insulation About 35% of all heat loss from UK homes is due to un-insulated external walls. External wall insulation is defined as a layer of insulation that is fixed to an existing external wall. This layer will be finished either with a coat of render or with an alternative cladding to protect it from the elements. External wall insulation is perfect for solid wall homes where you want to improve the look of the exterior of your home and its thermal rating. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: Can save between £195-£650 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a small flat to a large detached home). External wall insulation cannot only improve the look of your home, but also improve the weather proofing and sound resistance, alongside reducing drafts and heat loss. Having external wall insulation fitted to your home requires no internal work so the disruption can be kept to a minimum. Some period properties cannot have this installed to the front of the property but can have it installed to the rear. It will also increase the lifespan of your walls as it protects your brickwork, but these do need to be structurally sound before installation. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding Apply Now

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